estherfhaee The father’s indecision caused the misery of 5 lives. Now, he’s throwing them away like I’m done with it. Way to go, dad of the decade! May 22, 2023 at 4:07 pm Log in to Reply
Tahlia500 Couldn’t be have divorced her for that?? Then he would of been free to marry the woman he truly loved and Jellard wouldn’t had to live the life of a illegitimate son!!!😑 Actually making really ticked off the more I think about it 😤 May 14, 2023 at 4:22 pm Log in to Reply
Rococochoco Yeah they are awful but they are still his sons even though they aren’t related by blood May 14, 2023 at 11:26 am Log in to Reply
SilverSlime pity perhaps… for the children who knows nothing… but for the wh0re… May 14, 2023 at 7:38 am Log in to Reply
Jozyline Wow, if he knew all along why did he let the two young boys go through the pain they did? May 14, 2023 at 6:42 am Log in to Reply
The father’s indecision caused the misery of 5 lives. Now, he’s throwing them away like I’m done with it. Way to go, dad of the decade!
Princess Duck
This story is going wild
Couldn’t be have divorced her for that?? Then he would of been free to marry the woman he truly loved and Jellard wouldn’t had to live the life of a illegitimate son!!!😑 Actually making really ticked off the more I think about it 😤
Lobel, I love you so much.
Yeah they are awful but they are still his sons even though they aren’t related by blood
pity perhaps… for the children who knows nothing…
but for the wh0re…
Wow, if he knew all along why did he let the two young boys go through the pain they did?