Not gonna lie, this chapter only made me ship the brother and her more. I spent the last two hours writing a small fanfic about it that will only serve to patch my little heart.
Why did he come though the window wasn’t he at the door? 😂 Also if the brother could hear her conversation from a different floor does this mean he did too since he was around? probably not. Also are the dukes older kids not really his? But if the mother had a lover and had his kids instead
how are the kids so ugly while the parents are attractive? It would be hilarious if they were under some magic to make them have blue eyes and hair but the cost was their beauty so if it’s undone they’d be the most beautiful men but revealed not to be real lieseltien.
… ok maybe the author can be redeemed
Not gonna lie, this chapter only made me ship the brother and her more. I spent the last two hours writing a small fanfic about it that will only serve to patch my little heart.
Finally! But why through the window?
Why did he come though the window wasn’t he at the door? 😂 Also if the brother could hear her conversation from a different floor does this mean he did too since he was around? probably not. Also are the dukes older kids not really his? But if the mother had a lover and had his kids instead
how are the kids so ugly while the parents are attractive? It would be hilarious if they were under some magic to make them have blue eyes and hair but the cost was their beauty so if it’s undone they’d be the most beautiful men but revealed not to be real lieseltien.
Why is everyone coming in threw windows? And the to ugos aren’t the duke’s kids.