Seems like being one will work in his favour with the Adelvian’s as ‘understandably’ he doesn’t need to worry about a man that obsessed with his fiancee of stealing his wife. >_<'
… Chester is really too much. His return doesn’t explain his sudden merchant skills (he was a stall owner, the heck does he know about foreign trade or could even raise the capital in the first place?) or how he became able to do things like a thief.
Why the f*ck does the ex bottom dude have a key to her room?! I know he wants to ruin the ML. OK fine. But maybe just maybe make him not so op that she has no way of getting in his way?
Obsession Mode activated🤧
Searching for love
Well the title said he was an obsessive ml…
Ah i love yanderes ?
Seems like being one will work in his favour with the Adelvian’s as ‘understandably’ he doesn’t need to worry about a man that obsessed with his fiancee of stealing his wife. >_<'
Did he even read the letter? Hot headed man. Not seeing the bigger picture >:(
I wanna see they two together, pleaseeee, so many chapters they are away from each other
… Chester is really too much. His return doesn’t explain his sudden merchant skills (he was a stall owner, the heck does he know about foreign trade or could even raise the capital in the first place?) or how he became able to do things like a thief.
typical man… making up a scenario in his mind and getting angry about it ? like chill bro
Why the f*ck does the ex bottom dude have a key to her room?! I know he wants to ruin the ML. OK fine. But maybe just maybe make him not so op that she has no way of getting in his way?
And you didn’t even visit her for so long??
Bro chill, you literally have a contract ?
Did he even read the letter? Hot headed man. Not seeing the bigger picture >:(
I hope he needs her because he loves her and not because she’s useful to him