I don’t know- maybe her sister is actually a guy in disguise. Afterall, this is a BL and the og main character fell in love with the FL’s sister so, ya know, logically and reasonably speaking, her sister must bea man!
I need a social life. It’s gotten to the point for every new story I keep refreshing to read more chapters to fill the empty void in my heart. The story doesn’t even have to be good I just need something to keep me
From sitting alone listening to my thoughts. So I really hope this updates fast ??
Bro, I feel you. I’ve read so many manhwas that i now appreciate the Asian naming-style in that i can pick and choose what plot i read based on the title alone. And honestly, the stories all blend together. Sometimes i feel like I’m just picking up so many feelings and dropping them for the next story as soon as the chapters run out.
I hope you meet a new friend this year and they fill your heart in a way these manhwas are unable to.
i dont know what to feel about the mc. if she ends up being like kae serinuma i’d probably end up dropping. would be unforetunate since the art is great.
LoL 0 -
Gay ≧ω≦
I wish that jellard and the guy please don’t change the plot just look for another ML but don’t ruin there love ฅ’ω’ฅ please I’m begging u
can’t someone be bisexual? like… he can like both ?
My first though was also maybe he is Bi or pan or something else
1st chapter and I’m already curious for the next
Wow, this story sound so interesting!
So she died reading Bl stories ?
She knowth your eyes doeth dot on the bod of men?♂️?♂️
If the dad hated her so much for being a girl, why does he love the blonde one??
I don’t know- maybe her sister is actually a guy in disguise. Afterall, this is a BL and the og main character fell in love with the FL’s sister so, ya know, logically and reasonably speaking, her sister must bea man!
She knew you’re gay so ?
this sounds promising i wonder if she’ll really die. or if they find a cure
I need a social life. It’s gotten to the point for every new story I keep refreshing to read more chapters to fill the empty void in my heart. The story doesn’t even have to be good I just need something to keep me
From sitting alone listening to my thoughts. So I really hope this updates fast ??
Bro, I feel you. I’ve read so many manhwas that i now appreciate the Asian naming-style in that i can pick and choose what plot i read based on the title alone. And honestly, the stories all blend together. Sometimes i feel like I’m just picking up so many feelings and dropping them for the next story as soon as the chapters run out.
I hope you meet a new friend this year and they fill your heart in a way these manhwas are unable to.
anonomyus 1412
Can’t wait for the next update! Looks really interesting!
Can’t wait can’t wait
i dont know what to feel about the mc. if she ends up being like kae serinuma i’d probably end up dropping. would be unforetunate since the art is great.
You are into men my boii lol just enjoy
Love how there blood on her mouth the entire time ?
I love this, there should be 20 chapters by now if this just premiere in an app. Hope they upload the introduction arc soon.
Interesting ~~
Cliff hanger
You’re BL LOL
ur weakness for men LMAO /j