@Sauriyo I know you have no brains from your previous comments, but maybe think about the fact that she’s back in a child’s body? And no longer using the holy sword? She may have the experience but she doesn’t have the same physique or the benefits of the holy sword on her side
What bullshit it is for her to be losing when she has like 20 years of experience fighting….fucking bullshit of trying to make the ml looks better when the story is about her
Dhar Mann
@Sauyiro aww why don’t you try fighting then why don’t we iskei you into the world of AOT hope you’ll have fun there ❤️
@Sauriyo I know you have no brains from your previous comments, but maybe think about the fact that she’s back in a child’s body? And no longer using the holy sword? She may have the experience but she doesn’t have the same physique or the benefits of the holy sword on her side
What bullshit it is for her to be losing when she has like 20 years of experience fighting….fucking bullshit of trying to make the ml looks better when the story is about her
L grand duke or whatever he is
Poor prince though🥺 the emperor better be alive
Lolol Bro got humiliated by a little girl XD