its not even the delulu of it but how tacky and gaudy the necklace is that being proud of acquiring it is insane 💀💀💀 u can tell right away the worker was exploited to make it 😭😭😭 its the equivalent to a yeezy ripped apart sweater you know what they say the richer the person the less taste they have in life.. only care about the price tag or the name
wow bro, thats how you interpreted that scene?
you… may want to reevaluate the women in your life, what you’ve been perceiving as ‘affection’ might just be ‘annoyance’ and ‘resentment’
what a fuckboy lol
I feel this guys well be humbled real soon
its not even the delulu of it but how tacky and gaudy the necklace is that being proud of acquiring it is insane 💀💀💀 u can tell right away the worker was exploited to make it 😭😭😭 its the equivalent to a yeezy ripped apart sweater you know what they say the richer the person the less taste they have in life.. only care about the price tag or the name
i need tht lvl of confidence…
i hate him already
I simp for himbos
I aspire to have his level of confidence
how to have that level of confidence bro………….it amazed me that, that is how you look at that moment like that………..;;;
wow bro, thats how you interpreted that scene?
you… may want to reevaluate the women in your life, what you’ve been perceiving as ‘affection’ might just be ‘annoyance’ and ‘resentment’
what a fuckboy lol
I admire the enthusiasm………