Man I am gonna say it, he jumped the gun to early. ? he should have seen all the sides of her to feel assured. Man I wish life was easy but she is just not there yet. It sucks that one moment in her life stops her from dating again.
I will respect her because honestly I am not sure how long does the healing process take and I bet it varies for different people too
Come on he trusted and valued you before any romantic feelings atleast give it a thought. Also real funny that the red head mistress is upset that duke known for womanizing and cheating might cheat on her.
Oh no. We all know what’s going to happen. She’s gonna dump him
Man I am gonna say it, he jumped the gun to early. ? he should have seen all the sides of her to feel assured. Man I wish life was easy but she is just not there yet. It sucks that one moment in her life stops her from dating again.
I will respect her because honestly I am not sure how long does the healing process take and I bet it varies for different people too
why does he have 2nd ML vibes when he’s the perfect ML ?
Exactly lmao
Come on he trusted and valued you before any romantic feelings atleast give it a thought. Also real funny that the red head mistress is upset that duke known for womanizing and cheating might cheat on her.
This bitch… I swear ? don’t break his heart tell him why you feel like you shouldn’t love and what you want. ??WTH is wrong with you
Nanny Adam
Come on accept hım. He really likes you?
You can hang me but not with the cliff