I’m Dating A Psychopath - Chapter 26
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You don't have anything in histories
If noah ır isaac or idk doesnt kill this girl istg im dropping
@Carola , I get your point since I also came to the same conclusion (though I’m sure both of them finding “fault” in Finn is with individually different reason)
I’m also surprised this isn’t an obsessive passionate love kind of yandere, and now I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed it isn’t the case (because I dig that type so much 😭)
So yeah.like the title said,he is a psychopath,the thing is im genuinely thinking that he is noah’s brother,noah is also a psycho ,he has showed symptoms since a child,and then we have this flashback of his mother and noah,the boy with red hair and yellow eyes telling him that “you have to get rid of what makes you weak” noah killed issac biological mother,or i’d have to say their mother,since we see a cut on he troath and her being tied up,i can almost see
where is this going, finn has a really tough sense of guilt,and i think both “brothers” fault finn for what happened,maybe this will end up in issac actually falling in love with finn,or this will end up really messed up,i can see the possibility of Scott actually ending up with finn,but dayum ,i Linda was expecting this from.issac,but i was expecting more like a really passionate yandere love from him,it surprise me that this isn’t the case at all.