@busyplant IDK
I also am not a fan of Lucas or his feelings but it’s more like, he keeps deciding things for her, I think? Honestly I just hate his attitude and how he looks down on others – but now he’s decided she’s worth his time.
I don’t think Eiden’s feelings are any more valid or wholesome because they lasted through her abuse of him. Rather, I’d argue that’s a point against him as ML. Sure, they say love is blind/foolish, but to love someone regardless of what their personality is? Why the hell are you in love with tham then? Plus it feeds in to the notion that if someone “truly” loves you, then they have to put aside their own hurt. That your abuser will “get better” if you just endure and love them enough and a happy ending is your reward for sticking through it.
Honestly, their dynamic of him giving everything and serving her is very much not my cup of tea. It’s just so one-sided. I mean, yeah she sneaks him cakes at night but he thinks of her so much and is so devoted while she has other things going on. Everything in his life: his job, whether or not he goes to the magic tower, etc, is up to her. Does he even have a life outside serving her? (I know that loyal butler is VERY popular with some I just don’t vibe with it)
it took 54 chapters but i finally figured out what bothered me about lucas’s feelings :/ he likes her now, in her best version of herself, but back when she liked him, he had no time or affection for her. which is fine, she was an intolerable brat back then. but when put next to eiden who had earnest feelings for her even while she was her absolute worst version of himself, lucas’s feelings just feel a bit shallow. idk, some part of me keeps feeling like he only developed feelings out of pity bc she was depressed and suicidal. now his feelings are growing but its not necessarily because he likes her, all of her, its just that she’s beautiful and charismatic
i think if it was just lucas as a love interest, it probably wouldnt bother me that much. but when he’s put alongside eiden who’s clearly loved her even when he hated her after all the abuse, it just feels shallow in comparison
(this isnt meant as shade on lucas btw, i think its valid not to vibe with the crazy brat who bullies her whole loving family and completely valid to only develop feelings for her after she became a better person cuz yea, the person she was sucked. that said, its just been bothering me for awhile and i couldnt put my finger onto why i was so bothered by lucas’s feelings for her lolol so this is just my “oh so that was it” moment broadcast for all you to see pfff)
Lucas, please be the ml at this point I am losing my hope. team Lucas all the way
I am confirmed eiden is ml because she fells shy when they are alone 🥰
@busyplant IDK
I also am not a fan of Lucas or his feelings but it’s more like, he keeps deciding things for her, I think? Honestly I just hate his attitude and how he looks down on others – but now he’s decided she’s worth his time.
I don’t think Eiden’s feelings are any more valid or wholesome because they lasted through her abuse of him. Rather, I’d argue that’s a point against him as ML. Sure, they say love is blind/foolish, but to love someone regardless of what their personality is? Why the hell are you in love with tham then? Plus it feeds in to the notion that if someone “truly” loves you, then they have to put aside their own hurt. That your abuser will “get better” if you just endure and love them enough and a happy ending is your reward for sticking through it.
Honestly, their dynamic of him giving everything and serving her is very much not my cup of tea. It’s just so one-sided. I mean, yeah she sneaks him cakes at night but he thinks of her so much and is so devoted while she has other things going on. Everything in his life: his job, whether or not he goes to the magic tower, etc, is up to her. Does he even have a life outside serving her? (I know that loyal butler is VERY popular with some I just don’t vibe with it)
it took 54 chapters but i finally figured out what bothered me about lucas’s feelings :/ he likes her now, in her best version of herself, but back when she liked him, he had no time or affection for her. which is fine, she was an intolerable brat back then. but when put next to eiden who had earnest feelings for her even while she was her absolute worst version of himself, lucas’s feelings just feel a bit shallow. idk, some part of me keeps feeling like he only developed feelings out of pity bc she was depressed and suicidal. now his feelings are growing but its not necessarily because he likes her, all of her, its just that she’s beautiful and charismatic
i think if it was just lucas as a love interest, it probably wouldnt bother me that much. but when he’s put alongside eiden who’s clearly loved her even when he hated her after all the abuse, it just feels shallow in comparison
(this isnt meant as shade on lucas btw, i think its valid not to vibe with the crazy brat who bullies her whole loving family and completely valid to only develop feelings for her after she became a better person cuz yea, the person she was sucked. that said, its just been bothering me for awhile and i couldnt put my finger onto why i was so bothered by lucas’s feelings for her lolol so this is just my “oh so that was it” moment broadcast for all you to see pfff)
He’s so cute, funny and, adorbs. I want him for selena
Thank you 😊💕
Uwu ♡^▽^♡
Thank you for the updates!
Why is he such a a sweet puppy? Uwu