#teameiden this lucas guy is so annoying, but i don’t think he likes serena at least for now, he doesn’t care eiden likes her, he finds it funny instead, but maybe when i read the novel i will get other thoughts
I don’t think the weakness comes from Serena’s body, but that other girl’s soul. Depressed people tend to be low on energy and even the simplest things like walking or getting out of bed is tiring for them. After such a commotion, I am not surprise that she does not have energy left.
the knight is so annoying, the way he cares so much about status and has told Aiden to know his place WHEN HE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG makes me so mad like what??? and he’s so obviously one of those typical cringe lord manhwa characters that laugh hysterically when someone does something out of character and says shite like “this is getting interesting” like ok but stfu ?? (he’s literally done this in the latest chapters) and you know i usually don’t mind characters like this because there are other aspects of them that make up for their flaws but that isn’t the case for him… and his character is nowhere close to being nearly as interesting as Aiden’s
btw there are other sites with a cover of this manhwa that has only the mc and Aiden, making it pretty clear who the ml is it’s not just people spoiling
wall eater
#teameiden this lucas guy is so annoying, but i don’t think he likes serena at least for now, he doesn’t care eiden likes her, he finds it funny instead, but maybe when i read the novel i will get other thoughts
Honestly,I don’t understand anything that’s happening.
I don’t think the weakness comes from Serena’s body, but that other girl’s soul. Depressed people tend to be low on energy and even the simplest things like walking or getting out of bed is tiring for them. After such a commotion, I am not surprise that she does not have energy left.
How could the original Serena be a villainess with such weak body..?
Lucas Slander now. HE’S ANNOYING.
You keep shaking and swinging a lady around like a toy then ask why is she tired ? Are you sure u r sane sir ?
Please update ??
Thanks a lot and keep it up for the next chapter ?
Please update
the knight is so annoying, the way he cares so much about status and has told Aiden to know his place WHEN HE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG makes me so mad like what??? and he’s so obviously one of those typical cringe lord manhwa characters that laugh hysterically when someone does something out of character and says shite like “this is getting interesting” like ok but stfu ?? (he’s literally done this in the latest chapters) and you know i usually don’t mind characters like this because there are other aspects of them that make up for their flaws but that isn’t the case for him… and his character is nowhere close to being nearly as interesting as Aiden’s
At least put spoiler warnings in the comments. For everyone reading this the comments down below are filled with spoilers. Read at your own risk.
btw there are other sites with a cover of this manhwa that has only the mc and Aiden, making it pretty clear who the ml is it’s not just people spoiling
I hate that he’s not the ML.
I’ve read the novel, this one is slow burn like literally ?
miss Misterious
He’s hugging her too tight ,.. so that’s why she collapse…???? This m.l is damn strong
He’s not the ml
Luca isn’t the ml, it’s Aiden. for now she doesn’t appreciate Lucas, he annoys her a lot
She actually broke her knee when she broke the cane and no, he is not the ML