Meny B @AMarshmallowOnTop Do this under positive pressure like in bottle Baking Soda(NaHCO3)+Gastric acid(HCl) = Salt(NaCl) + H2CO3(Carbonic acid) Carbonic acid(H2CO3) = Water(H2O) + CO2 Here, you’ve got fizzy salty carbonated water lol November 18, 2023 at 5:16 pm Log in to Reply
ViolentlyDepressed There is naturally carbonated water springs irl. I imagine she brought some with her or had her alchemist friend help with the process. November 15, 2023 at 1:22 am Log in to Reply
AMarshmallowOnTop I’m sorry but where tf did she get carbonated water in (i assume) medieval europe?? November 14, 2023 at 10:39 am Log in to Reply
Meny B
Do this under positive pressure like in bottle
Baking Soda(NaHCO3)+Gastric acid(HCl) = Salt(NaCl) + H2CO3(Carbonic acid)
Carbonic acid(H2CO3) = Water(H2O) + CO2
Here, you’ve got fizzy salty carbonated water lol
Cut them lips Gurl.
There is naturally carbonated water springs irl. I imagine she brought some with her or had her alchemist friend help with the process.
I’m sorry but where tf did she get carbonated water in (i assume) medieval europe??