1idk why you think they would know whats on everyone’s head.
I’m pretty our girl can communitcate with the gids somewhat bc shes a saintess.
Also Why would the god or art care about his personality?
Its not the god of justice or morals
If I’m not mistaken staken, Rahas/Reyes, according to the last chapter, he knew that ariel is a fake? I thought he killed the maid to shut her off and to keep their secret?
I’m not a saintess but is literally talking to the gods??? and he already knows she’s a fake, right. That’s why he killed that maid to knowing the truth?
ummm… is blonde the ACTUALLY GOD OF ART, MONDES
Cele Onee-chan
Honestly if I had the opportunity I would ask the God of art why the fuck is his disciple like that lmao just cause he pretty he gotta be crazy?
1idk why you think they would know whats on everyone’s head.
I’m pretty our girl can communitcate with the gids somewhat bc shes a saintess.
Also Why would the god or art care about his personality?
Its not the god of justice or morals
that blonde man .. isn’t he the one who made fl become fake saintess? or am i mistaken? the translation is confusing
The art god just be painting her. I need to see the painting please
That one god us just painting her like…..
Hello its me
Teenmanhua are fast but not quality tl… Better than what I could do though.
If I’m not mistaken staken, Rahas/Reyes, according to the last chapter, he knew that ariel is a fake? I thought he killed the maid to shut her off and to keep their secret?
Dont ask me
That Guy is the most dangerous of all
Yeah this FMC keeps contradicting herself all the time…
honestly… this priest give me chills!
this TL seems to be screwing up quite a bit. contradicting itself regularly. it’s an intriguing start, but damn i wish the TL were… like… intelligible
I’m not a saintess but is literally talking to the gods??? and he already knows she’s a fake, right. That’s why he killed that maid to knowing the truth?
I’m getting greedy may I ask for more?
The next chapter is testing my patience
me studying the night before my finals like