I think they omitted parts or pieces of information which I think is kind of important coz you know… The content of the letter may change our perspective about their feelings and what kind of person they are.
@senrin well because actually the proposal letter contents is about 18+thing that the fake sintesis want to do with him so he get embarased (bcs he is virgin and the type of serious person) so that blush is not bcs he likes her and i already read the novel ngl i feel like there is some part that miss that make miss perseption
Does anyone wonder how much old saintess wrote in detail about her physical love for the prince… He could not sleep for days… His mind musst have been of in the dirt.
wait, is the ceil, or whatever the hell his name is in love with her??
blubis thebest
i can’t explain it it’s like their mouth is open but their lips are closed
@sleepdeprived all the mls have a weirdly long faces
No but his side profile is fine but why does he look so much weirder from the front
I js can’t put my finger on it
not hessed being in love with ariel omg
Starting to ship Hessed with Ariel now because these love interests are nuts
Hessed you are my new favorite character in this series
Historical Maniac
I think they omitted parts or pieces of information which I think is kind of important coz you know… The content of the letter may change our perspective about their feelings and what kind of person they are.
@senrin well because actually the proposal letter contents is about 18+thing that the fake sintesis want to do with him so he get embarased (bcs he is virgin and the type of serious person) so that blush is not bcs he likes her and i already read the novel ngl i feel like there is some part that miss that make miss perseption
huh why does it seem like the crown prince actually liked the og ariel if he was so affected by her love letter??
buhahaha 😂😂
@Rococochoco he probably thought her words weren’t for real and she was just going to use him as many hot tempered prince’s think
How is she smart and dumb at the same time.
I’m wondering if she’s interpreting that right? He seemed pkssed to me but… maybe he was just mad hot for her 🤔
Hessed is the best👍🤣
Does anyone wonder how much old saintess wrote in detail about her physical love for the prince… He could not sleep for days… His mind musst have been of in the dirt.
Well if the prince originally liked her then why did he stab her in the end, because she was a fake?
Hahahaha🤣 his higness ist dangerous or in Love with you? 🤭
haha lol