@k11182 I think it’s because of his status as a prince, tara accounts the consequences of being affiliated to the entire royalty, and how complicated the situation would, like having to deal with different fractions, pressure of the royalty, fights among internal palace. Stuff like that. Which I think is why she repeatedly thought that if only kyle wasn’t a prince, which is also why she is trying hard to deny her feelings.
As smarth she is she is most idiotict characer. Creown Prince loves her, she lowes him. this typical manga problem. Insteead of creating solid could and then working out problems they try making oposite
@k11182 I think it’s because of his status as a prince, tara accounts the consequences of being affiliated to the entire royalty, and how complicated the situation would, like having to deal with different fractions, pressure of the royalty, fights among internal palace. Stuff like that. Which I think is why she repeatedly thought that if only kyle wasn’t a prince, which is also why she is trying hard to deny her feelings.
As smarth she is she is most idiotict characer. Creown Prince loves her, she lowes him. this typical manga problem. Insteead of creating solid could and then working out problems they try making oposite