acebyfar honey, you skipped math class a lot, huh. lemme bream it down he confesses his love to you + your family pushing for an engagement you don’t want × he announces a consort selection = he wants you as his consort. never forget to PEMDAS, kiddies February 29, 2024 at 10:20 pm Log in to Reply
HAHAHAH I love this story so much!!!
heheheheh this is exciting
honey, you skipped math class a lot, huh. lemme bream it down
he confesses his love to you + your family pushing for an engagement you don’t want × he announces a consort selection = he wants you as his consort.
never forget to PEMDAS, kiddies
…….. it’s you baby!!
She looks like she’s ready to stab him 😂
Lloyed Frontera
Everything is arranged for you my lady😜