I wanna know how she lost 10kg because from my experience, that weight doesn’t just melt off….
Btw being fat is okay, being obese on the other hand is just unhealthy and can lead to health complications and early death….*
And as we all know, Korea is super picky with their so called “beauty” standers (everyone is beautiful in their own way)….and seem to hate anyone not looking like they’ve been starting since they were 14…
(I myself am fat so Im not “fat shaming” anyone, I’m Just saying that being too obese can come with health problems, which is a scientific fact…but you do you…)
Back then people saw being bigger beautiful because it ment you had enough money to feed yourself and more, I get its bad in Korea but it annoys me -_- ( bigger people are beautiful to )
I wanna know how she lost 10kg because from my experience, that weight doesn’t just melt off….
Btw being fat is okay, being obese on the other hand is just unhealthy and can lead to health complications and early death….*
And as we all know, Korea is super picky with their so called “beauty” standers (everyone is beautiful in their own way)….and seem to hate anyone not looking like they’ve been starting since they were 14…
(I myself am fat so Im not “fat shaming” anyone, I’m Just saying that being too obese can come with health problems, which is a scientific fact…but you do you…)
When you’re obese losing 10 or 20kg it’s easyer then when your weight is normal
Back then people saw being bigger beautiful because it ment you had enough money to feed yourself and more, I get its bad in Korea but it annoys me -_- ( bigger people are beautiful to )
biggest agree. the fatphobia needs to get fucked. like koreans, i’m sorry you’ve been made to hate the human body, but what the fuck for real
Why can’t we ever get a happy fat girl? This trope needs to die.