The way they built their relationship is so wrong. The foundation is weak. They love each other but they both have issues. Also, can we please talk about that violet hair chick like can someone get her out of this manhwa? Homeboy got graped.
Wth, homegirl is surrounded by nasty people, like ewww, he is lying & criticizing her & still is like “whAt diD i Do WRonG, tO dESeRVE ThIS?”& does he really lack that much common sense to understand that she’s not feeling comfortable with her mother at all?! The “mother” is a fckng gold-digger. Plus there is no way that this relationship could be saved, there have been too many secrets kept from each other.
haeru deserves better! that pinkpurple haired girl is so fuxking annoying and dense
Maybe she tried to kill herself or sumthg and ml saved her and he got hurt…….is that why she is in jail right now…..!?
Just my thoughts
The way they built their relationship is so wrong. The foundation is weak. They love each other but they both have issues. Also, can we please talk about that violet hair chick like can someone get her out of this manhwa? Homeboy got graped.
Frosty Wings
Yeah these two’s problems go far beyond communication issues.
[email protected]
@justchillin I completely agree. It’s better for her to move on and also seek therapy for the sh** show she grew up in.
Wth, homegirl is surrounded by nasty people, like ewww, he is lying & criticizing her & still is like “whAt diD i Do WRonG, tO dESeRVE ThIS?”& does he really lack that much common sense to understand that she’s not feeling comfortable with her mother at all?! The “mother” is a fckng gold-digger. Plus there is no way that this relationship could be saved, there have been too many secrets kept from each other.