The quality of translation dropped again. Some parts are confusing. First chapters were of better quality. Regardless, you are doing a great work, guys, trying to improve your translation. My respect. Keep it up. Thank you for your hard work!
Can I apply as a proof reader or something??? And I also can some what understand the sfx too
My discord is Bella#0329
I don’t rlly know If harimanga has a discord server
I have faith in this manwha
Like so what
Is it just me or is there like a hunting festival in every manhwa I read??
Rain Trevil
the translation is better than the other sites but the story is just bad so yup it’s better to drop this
The quality of translation dropped again. Some parts are confusing. First chapters were of better quality. Regardless, you are doing a great work, guys, trying to improve your translation. My respect. Keep it up. Thank you for your hard work!
Thank you for the translated chapter.
I love you harimanga
Yes I understand the translation so continue please and thank you❤️❤️
Zhongli simp
I like the translation, the story is kinda weird so far. I’ll keep reading till chapter 20 to see if it starts to make sense
Can I apply as a proof reader or something??? And I also can some what understand the sfx too
My discord is Bella#0329
I don’t rlly know If harimanga has a discord server
Yes, its understandable..
I think “Your Majesty” is only for the emperor, and “Your Highness” is for the Duke
Gettin bored now.. not my cup pf tea…. As for the translation, better than the others, i guess…
Yes! Absolutely! Thank you harimanga!
Yes pleasee ???
I don’t like that blonde bitch.
Ya yA understood without any doubt
Aish Dehann
Plz continue! Your translations are so far good and thank you for ur hard work ❤
your translate is flawless. please continue
Please contiue updating..thanks.. harimnga❤
Translatw perfect…please continue…?
im hooked on this one so far ??