No offence but I don’t get it why people say I don’t like this black one or want that white haired one as ml. As ya’ll can see author knows the best so keep quite and wait how this story progress. ?
also the “author knows best” isn’t a good argument the author should be trying to convince us why they should be together not smoosh them together and say “accept it” Like there are other ml that have worse personalities but there is something to latch onto to convince us they could make it work not some dude getting butthurt the desperate girl isn’t into him anymore.
Why is she soo timid..????… like giiirrrl, you don’t even know what would happen if you died. You’re living in a fictional world, flex your knowledge a little.. gosh ????
This is one of those odd stories that I wonder if the dialogue is just poorly written or if the translation keeps me from understanding the characters well. Either way, it seems fair to say the ML is trash.
I agree. I often feel like the translation must be off because it gets a bit confusing. Also, she should just ask for divorce or to call off shit and be done. She doesn’t need that piece of work at all.
The translation for this chapter was not so good. I had a hard time following what was going on.
No offence but I don’t get it why people say I don’t like this black one or want that white haired one as ml. As ya’ll can see author knows the best so keep quite and wait how this story progress. ?
also the “author knows best” isn’t a good argument the author should be trying to convince us why they should be together not smoosh them together and say “accept it” Like there are other ml that have worse personalities but there is something to latch onto to convince us they could make it work not some dude getting butthurt the desperate girl isn’t into him anymore.
The story is kinda running flat but I do hope the sorcerer guy is ml.
Please, please, please let the red eyed magician be the ML. This guy sucks so bad ??
I don’t like this guy and I think the plot is getting lost
I agree,.I like the art tho,..but yeah I don’t know where the story goes..
Why is she soo timid..????… like giiirrrl, you don’t even know what would happen if you died. You’re living in a fictional world, flex your knowledge a little.. gosh ????
This is one of those odd stories that I wonder if the dialogue is just poorly written or if the translation keeps me from understanding the characters well. Either way, it seems fair to say the ML is trash.
I agree. I often feel like the translation must be off because it gets a bit confusing. Also, she should just ask for divorce or to call off shit and be done. She doesn’t need that piece of work at all.
I feel the same
I hate him not only is he treating her horribly he also expects her to entertain him