Hoo boy if I were in her shoes I would have already been arrested for as*ault or murder by now. XD rando dude gettin in my space? Ah frigga flippin nah
Thank you for translating even though everything is so confusing. I get the feeling it’s the manhua and not y’all.
Ehhhh was that hairpin important? He just took it didn’t he? Ugh idk all these men a re just ew.
at this point ogmale lead and this male lead should get together and leave the fl alone
Bossa nova-chan Brazilian butterfly
this is confused as fuck omggggg
Hoo boy if I were in her shoes I would have already been arrested for as*ault or murder by now. XD rando dude gettin in my space? Ah frigga flippin nah
Thank you for translating even though everything is so confusing. I get the feeling it’s the manhua and not y’all.
im confused about the power struggle and the emperor empress stuff ngl but im also getting confused with all their relationships to each other lol
Like so what
What happened to her hair?? why did her pin vanish??
Shion Lee
Why did she let that sus blondie touch her hair carelessly like that
I thought math is the only one who will make me confused but this is another level. Btw wtf just happened to her bun?
Hm? Hair? What happened to you?
That blondie is the most dangerous here.