I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 90
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Okay guys, this is the perfect time to dump vestian to bermuda triangle and before that burn him to hellllll, fuck ya vestian you bastard.
U*= I
Stupid women are never attractive .
Uhm but that doesn’t mean she deserves to be cheated on u seriously hate her now .
Tia… I hope she does something for her aunt!! Shannet is a really good person… forget about Vestian’s love, he actually hates Shannet. I think he’s just jealous, this freaking bastard.
hope you rot in hell…
I want to see vestian crawling on his knees begging shannet… ALSO I want shannet and clerivan, farfetched but they would be such a power couple…
The downfall of Vestian the bastard and Maria the leech is coming soon… This is the only reason I have not flipped yet at this point… 😎😎
OMG! The most awaited part! The downfall of the Bstard Vestian Schules!
UGHHH sad thing is I think it’s gonna take at least two more chapters for the culprits to get caught. When it does I’m re reading the season from the beginning to get the full satisfaction
I hope she whips him to death! What a grade A tool!!!
I hope the grandfather sees his wife’s necklace on the mistress because that will let him act.
Come on man we want to win this fight this time around! Burn their whole family down to the ground!
Not only stealth her necklace, he give it to her lover
From when I read Shannet know he was the okey that take the necklace she prepare like a dificult trap, but Tia get a better and fastter plan ongoing so that trash and his lover kept arrested
Good thing Tia will give Vestian the taste of his own medicine through the next chapters haha. Even the other woman.
Killing him is really quite merciful, better let him taste the torture until he gone crazy!! Cheating, trash and leech husband deserve that!!
This reminds me of when the twins said Lombardi was the enemy. He even turned her own kids against her. Also she just gave up everything because she obviously fell for his lies in the previous life too and felt guilty about it when it all came to light. Plus there’d be no one to help her after her father died and her stupid brother took over. Justice for shannet before its too late
Im so sad to see her fall for his bullshit, that guy needs to dieeee
What the hell? He stole your mother’s memento and all you do is cry? You married a thief!
So flipping short and damn dude you really stole your wife’s mother’s keep sake 🙄
HE STOLE HER DEAD MOTHER’S LAST FUCKING MEMENTO??????? girl don’t even divorce him. fucking kill him. fall out boy was right – wouldn’t you rather be a widow than a divorcee