I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 86
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Pfftt lol his face when she said “don’t cheat”
I can’t wait to see the downfall for those two, Vestian and Maria. They’re yuckyuckyyuck.
Tia is a calculative person and this can be a great virtue…. But now, she forget that Perez has his own personality, he is not a pawn or puppet that follow the script: “perfect plan for this life”.
I’m curious to see when she’ll notice Perez’s feelings, so adorable both of them 😎🙂
she’s still only 11??? i thought she was like at least 13ish by now lmao
It’ll be happy ending everyone. 🙂
I love Perez and Tia together but a huge part of me wants to see her become the matriarch of Lombardi, it fits her so well. What if, later Astana becomes a better person and Perez gave up his rights to the throne?
i feel like if the lombardis couldn’t marry into the royal family it would’ve been mentioned by now, no?
i actually have a feeling that tia’s female cousin will end up as matriarch while tia becomes empress. it would align with what tia’s goal originally was as she didn’t want the lombardis to fall to ruin, it would show a woman could be the matriarch of the family, and it would allow tia a high position that she’s suited for with the man she (will) love.
i get the sense that it’s not even legal for the lombardis to marry into the imperial family as a measure of checks and balances. it’s far more likely that they’d be in a committed relationship, but she wouldn’t become empress by virtue of the two of them just… never getting married at all. she sticks to her one job of running the lombardis, and perez hires on competent people to help run the imperial court while he handles legislation etc. so far, most of what the current empress has been doing with her time is just killing off other heirs to the throne, socializing, and hatching schemes to advance her own family’s position with a fun lil side of treason. i get the sense there’s no service to the country she provides that can’t be done by good servants.
there’s no way he wasn’t mentally dissecting a man when he asked whether or not she had a boyfriend. it’d be bad enough if she dated someone but infinitely worse to find out he cheated on her.
Awww Tia, Perez would never cheat on you lol
Don’t worry, nobody hates you. What you said was an excellent topic, but I’m sure they’ll fix it right away, and everything will be fine. But I hope you never talk about joining Pherez with Florentia’s cousin again. #loveprotagonists
Honestly I wish she did have a boyfriend. Forgive me. Don’t hate me, but I don’t understand how she can be matriarch and empress. It would be much better if she married her cousin to Perez. I understand she could still have kids who could head Lombardi and be on the throne, but I cannot grasp her being the matriarch of Lombardi and the Empress. Those are two very taxing careers.