I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 84
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No one messes withAuntie???? Burn the cheaters!
Auntie let’s divorce him rn and find a good man to be the twins’ father ?
Nice !! Damn this girl is way over the expectations !! I love this manhwa !!
Clarivan heads is on top of the world by now. Lol
My brain can’t wrap itself around diamonds being new to their culture. Prehistoric humans had diamonds…
Also I hope Auntie marries a new man who isn’t garbage.
Omg that’s so sad.. Reminds me of that bishhy
homewrecker Camilla…?
I’m screaming for more!!!!
Sondbsimaoaj I need it!!
the audiacity of that blonde bastard to cheat on his amazing wife with a ugly bitch. ew
Honestly she’s so intelligent. I’m too impatient I would’ve added him right away, but she considered the past and what happened to her aunt. She’s looking for the reason her and held back.
wow he was involved with her so early in his evil plans, poor Shanet and why did she give up custody of her kids ?
The novel also did not explain in detail whey Shanet gave up custody of her kids in the 1st timeline. However, it is implied that she felt responsible for her failure to watch over her family mine business and others while her asshole “husband”‘s cheating affair and working with Angenas behind her back was not explosed, hence she gave up on everything, like “I cant be trusted with anything”. Of course, this was bullshit.
Tia should set up her auntie with clerivan as soon as the divorce is finalized. I want auntie to do like navier in that divorce scene from remarried empress?
Amelia Marie
Honestly I ship Clerivan with Tia’s dad Gallahan
Read the novel ? a lot of novel readers do
See now this is great. A clever and intelligent fl who isnt overpowered just resourceful and manipulative in all the right ways
I just love her. And we all want more from her little tactics. Hahaha
Ohh this little she-devil plotting everything from behind the scenes.
Oh my god! the telenova drama!!
Can we ship auntie with lord Clerivan?
I would love too?
You are f**ed up ahahah! A weak and stupid man with an inferiority complex towards his wife and Lombardi.
Men like him want women they can control! Unfortunately aunty is beautiful, smart with a powerful family…..too much for his “Ego”.
This man is a stereotype.
Tia’s plans are always interesting. Beat him for us gurl
Spring and Summer
Please spoile me! What end will this blond a**hole will have?