I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 79
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People, From the very beginning I loved the twins dearly, They took my heart but now……
It’s just the same, but ×10 :3
Sorry to say you eldest son of b*itch
FL is gonna be the matriarch. Cause she can and worthy of it, deal with it dumbass
Da twins are soooo nice!!!
Im ur misconception
I still love the twins. And that idiot elder brother really doesn’t get it. But he will learn, he doesn’t have the talent to be head of the family, it is wishful thinking.
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
I read some spoiler that said Lombardi is gonna lost the auction , but someone on Tia side got it i think it’s clerivan but I forgot and I’m just preparing y’all ?
Woaaah i just finished reading the novel, this is reeeaaallly same as what i imagine when reading the novel.
Love the art and the story ?
Yeahh I’d love to see your dumbfounded face if by chance your sister take over Lombardi as the Matriarch because aside from daddy Gallahan and tia, only your sister have a very promisingly future as only she and gallahan inherited all the good braincells in the goddang family
Godd - damitD
Yes i agrre with u???
The twins are getting more handsome whenevr they appear huhuhu I don’t want them to lose their connection with Tia
Catherine Briar
It’s going to leak through the aunt’s husband I just know it. Cause he’s the weakest link after the stupid and boorish older brother. The older brother who thinks, by the way, in an astounding show of narrow-mindedness, that he’s competing against his direct siblings for the family, instead of the next generation which looks more promising.
from what i remember of the previous chapters, the twins’ father is pretty shady right?? ? i remember he seemed to dislike the lombardi’s but he still loved his sons. in the past life, didn’t the twins take on their father’s last name after the divorce?
from the spoilers I read, father is hella shady^^
don’t know about loving his sons, but you’re right about them leaving the lombardi, but I personally just think, they left because nothing in lombardi interested them, they had no reason to stay, this time around there’s tia, so I guess, if the divorce takes place in this timeline, the twins will stay
Like so what
That man has something wrong with his head, he is definitely delusional, and definitely mentally ill
Nice Tia, hope you get this plan, success again
Thanks for the update.
the twins are soooo male lead materials ughhh if i get isekaid i want to be involved with the two of them
The twins makes my heart raised a bit ?
Amelia Marie
As a twin I hate when people say shit like that like we’re not a set of shoes we are two different people