I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 63
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Ant Studio, Best Manhwa, Drama, Drama recommendations, En cette vie, eu serei a matriarca, Fantasy, Fantasy recommendations, Historical, Historical recommendations, Hot, Hot manhwa, I Will Be Lord, I Will Be the Lord, I Will Become the Mistress of This Life, I'll Become the Head of the Family, Ibeonsaeng-eun Gajuga Doegessseubnida, In This Life, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille, KIM Roah, Listing Hot Comic, manga zin, mangazin, Manhwa, Nesta vida, recommendations Historical, recommendations Romance, Romance, Romance recommendations, S2 Manga, s2manga, Shoujo, Shoujo recommendations, Smut recommendations, Top 10 Manhwa, Top Trending, zin manga, Zinmanga, В этой жизни я - глава семьи, На сей раз я - хозяйка этой жизни, Я стану хозяйкой этой жизни
Wanna slap both husband & wife
Why are the comments fricken monologues?
the writing for the royal family excluding the ML is throwing me off…there’s nothing dignified or royal about it, it’s trashy, juvenile drama? Idk it’s been disappointing lately seeing them all screaming and throwing tantrums about Very Important and Probably Classified Political Matters in front of everybody and having it resolved in such piss poor ways. Like THIS is how you wanna write the big villains in this story??…ayt. But i’ve been unfair since I compare it to the likes of The Stepmother’s Marchen where even villains like the priest are well-written and slyer, and hard to read. Like they’re scarier BECAUSE they’re formidable foes, not…whatever this is lol
Okay the empress’s personality is trash but at the same time you can’t really blame her for that ,she is trying to make it so that her son doesn’t get discarded: she is trying to protect herself and her son. The real trash here is the emperor: he is a cheater and when the empress said that the maid climbed into his bed like a whore he didn’t even try to defend her. I bet that when she was still alive he didn’t even try to take her side, he just wanted to protect his reputation. In almost all manhwa men are the same: they sleep with a girl and when they can’t bear the consequences of their actions they just hide the dust under the carpet knowing that all the blame is going to fall on the other party since they are all-mighty and no one can go against them.
The emperor could do more to protect his son after all I’m sure it’s him who climbed into the maids bed not the other way around like the empress said. He is garbage though, only protecting him now that he’s seen the aura. Cant wait to see the empress’ face when her son isnt the crown prince anymore ?
Oohhh really as a childhood friend of course it’s ok ?
The empress is beautiful but her personality is trash.
Wow imagine what would have happen if suddenly Tia’s grandfather came to that training ground and heard that bitch empress insulting their family.. That bitch has such a foul mouth.. How can she call others child illegitimate when her own family considers her pure bloodline.. Its not like her father had another wife or anything.. This whore will soon know her place.. And 2nd prince is very smart he knows what emperor is scheming
ubiquitously unique
I get that it’s not everyone’s opinion but the emperor should be protecting people regardless of status.
A just and righteous emperor should definitely do that but this emperor is greedy and cunning.
I hate the empress
I wanna punch this emperor
How could he take advantage of Perez’s pure love
bruh… so the emperor and empress are just straight up arguing about political matters in front of everyone??? like i know they’re royalty and everything but… how are you gonna argue about nobility and public image right in front of the public??? ??
ThanK You??
Thanks for the translation ??
That king is cunning bastard who will drop anyone if they’re not useful anymore even if they are his sons
just right to be neutral for a king, you wouldn’t want endless civil war that will destroy your country later on.
Thanks for the translation .. also the at least the king is useful in these case
They are already friends ? well not that they know hihi
the basic ass bitch of a king has no idea who he’s squaring up against lmao
yeah, the prince is a formidable foe but dude
you’re gonna try to use florentia as a tool?
Thank you Harimanga ❤️