I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 41
You don't have anything in histories
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Alexandra di angelo
I wish they b***h will just die
They truly deserve each other then trash family
Also guys ik I overestimated the nobility since I searched on google and it turned they are 3% on an empire but I think it’s better to overestimate ur losses and underestimate ur gains 👍👍👍👍
Accidentally posted that so here’s the continuation
Considering the losses we’d make I’ll minus 15% from the total holds we’d make so it would be 1,296-2,592 golds would be 1,500-2,700 which is like 200 gold coins difference I would continue and find the exact loss and if we’d pay the employees and shi but u could tell from this anyways sowwy if I wrote a lot I just like this 😋👍
Can here from the first part of the chapter and actually targeting commoners rather than aristocracy is better since nobility doesn’t take up even 20% of the empire a more indepth explanation 👇
Let’s say for example the empire consist of 100 people and 10% is aristocracy so 10 people (I’ll keep the 10 people and not minus the nobles which would not buy aka the empress and the people against gallahan) if a set sells for 2 silver coins and their stoke finishes in 1 day (since the stock wasn’t shown I’ll say they stock around 25-50 sets a day) 2×25 and 2×50= 50-100 silver coins a day if we multiply that by 360 aka 1 year it would be 18,000-35,000 silver coins a year which would be 1,800-3,500 gold coin a year (10 silver = 1 gold coin) and considering it’s popularity will decrease during time without updates and premium outfits I’d say 1,500-3,000 gold coins a year which would be an underestimation but it’s better than overestimating.
Now if the shop was made for the nobles let’s say 1 outfit costs 1 gold (it’s ready made outfits npmost nobles wouldn’t be interested and it would be quite a loss since we’d try to make luxurious clothes which would cost 5-10 golds for 2 sets ) stock would be 4-8 outfits (don’t go after me for this since the stock should be 2.5-5 outfits since remember I said the nobles would be just 10 people so obvi irl the stock would be about 2,500-5,000 but I’m going with a small number of aristocracy so the stoke should be equal to their number) and that would be 4-8 gold coins a day if stoke finish so multiply by 360 it will be 1,440-2,880
I’m just trying so hard to understand how These two.. Pieces of sh*t gave birth to Larane?? Like Js How? Larane is a smart when those aren’t at alll
Honestly I feel bad that Larane has to deal with all of that 😥
how is Larane their kid,I guess this is a real life situation where (-)(-)=+
Trash deserves to marry trash.
It’s bad enough when their trash, but stupid trash makes it even worse. At least smart trash tends to be handsome,and you know, smart~
Pffftt hahaha
stupid guy
It was about time he heard the head’s opinion on this. But this idiot does. not. learn.
stupid husband got stupid advise from stupid wife
Popo chan
The wife is a bitch
-a pretty bitch