I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 113
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I think belesac was the insult. And honesty, yeah, it is
Why did Perez say belesac to the first prince???
That scar in his face makes him more attractive 🤌✨
fall off the balcony please
Ahh yes the kid from the Pinterest pin has finally appeared
just realized that the eastern style of dress is how sir clerivan dresses. was it previously mentioned about him being from the east?
Blonde prince forgets there’s like. At least like six people who would kick his ass if he tried to get with tia
prince bushy brows 🤣🤣 oh god that’s the funniest nickname I’ve seen him be called so far tbh I don’t even remember his name either cuz I don’t really like him
*spoiler *
Isn’t he the one who fell for Bellesac’s sister?
Fuck shet i thought the GOOOD LOOKING BOY IS 2nd male lead lol 😂😂🤣
I’m just wondering.. how old is prince bushy brows? (Forgot his name) cuz if he’s drinking already at his age… Uhhhhhhhh
Tho Idk the drinking age for that era so could be a normal thing for that era for all ik, idfk
lmao at perez starting out that confrontation like “ew my shitty half-brother” and then in the middle he’s like “he’s saying tia’s the best. can’t argue with cold hard facts. this is the most tolerable conversation we’ve ever had actually” AND THEN
now it’s time you talk about business, Tia
Oh no another Hot dad 😩Also the prince is drunk so if he “accidentally” fell over the balcony and broke his neck because of it, well… I wouldnt mind GOT tactics
dang I knew it! but isn’t it more like cousin in law 🤭
that’s her soon-to-be brother-in-law
Rum Lawrence
@yashiko maybe he thought that drinking will make him a tad bit smarter but trash remains trash uk 🤧 also he thinks he can confront Perez while drunk 😂
@Rum Lawrence I agree
Why’s the blonde dog drinking he’s like 15 isn’t he?
Rum Lawrence
Perez be like : it’s fine if u insult me but if u dare say Tia will be yours… I’ll trace u and erase u 😂
Also this eastern boy is so cute 🥺🥰