I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 105
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Dhar Mann
@AndrewAlt why do i have a feeling she’s gonna be brutally honest like real grandmas lol
She literally a smurf
It’s like a challenger VS bronze players lol
Think about it, she act like in her 20s or even 30, while other girls with same age act like 12 year old. Doing etiquette or some hobby but FL getting into business world, and already have top earning gross in the empire lol
The head maid is kind of ironic.
She speaaks harshly.
She judge people through first impression.
She is nice to you if she’ve taken a liking to you.
Just like your own grandma.
She resembles the one who married Perez right?
That’s what i thought
Hehe I like head maid, she’s just like my granny, good old fashioned iron personality
The head maid gives me such good old master vibes. I love it.
Redhead reminind of mc from “the baby that catches the wind”
Probably the blondie is from angelas
I like the head maid and the fact that she’s some really old woman with experience and hopefully not someone the Angneas or whatever can try to buy off
That blond girl should know her place. :/
redheads gotta stick together. but also lmao lazy character modeling. the girl with blonde ringlets is a stuck up bitch??? who ever could have guessed! what a shocking twist of events!
Dont ask me
Tía has the look of: I found a diamond in brute !!!
Ohh q pretty red head friend for the MC 😍
Eleuia Hyung