I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 104
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Ant Studio, Best Manhwa, Drama, Drama recommendations, En cette vie, eu serei a matriarca, Fantasy, Fantasy recommendations, Historical, Historical recommendations, Hot, Hot manhwa, I Will Be Lord, I Will Be the Lord, I Will Become the Mistress of This Life, I'll Become the Head of the Family, Ibeonsaeng-eun Gajuga Doegessseubnida, In This Life, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille, KIM Roah, Listing Hot Comic, manga zin, mangazin, Manhwa, Nesta vida, recommendations Historical, recommendations Romance, Romance, Romance recommendations, S2 Manga, s2manga, Shoujo, Shoujo recommendations, Smut recommendations, Top 10 Manhwa, Top Trending, zin manga, Zinmanga, В этой жизни я - глава семьи, На сей раз я - хозяйка этой жизни, Я стану хозяйкой этой жизни
Dhar Mann
ate them up******
Dhar Mann
@PsychoPrincess girll u ate that them upp queen
Some people hating on this fl while I’m idolizing her she’s so cool and smart and strong
Well he wants to rip the empress into small pieces lol
loool be a Lombardy and everything is possible X’D
@Kbee0024….ummm did you forget her previous two lives filled with pain and agony? There’s nothing wrong with her using her families power for good, would you rather the evil people win? And did you forget, the Lombardi house crowned the emperor, so technically they are the reason the rules are there. And they don’t just go around breaking rules to their hearts content, they just swim around the little political icebergs that could harm their family members. Yes, some of the Lombardis are entitled, but I’m sure everyone has someone who has the entitlement attitude in their own family, as you can tell if you have been actually reading the story, most of the new Lombardi generation are good (like literally only two are rotten apples). So could you please politely consider using your brain next time before you comment such illogical nonsense.
I can’t be the only one starting to HATE the female lead? “I’m a lambardi” The rules don’t apply to them.
It’s so entitled it’s making me hope someone humbles them! I’m actually starting to be happy that in the last life they lost everything. THEY’RE SO ENTITLED!!
@FaeBreeze no… not all… he imprisoned the empress to the same palace he was exiled when he was young… but perhaps the rest of the angenas is killed? no info about that
He can make connections too out of the palace, I hope he could reconsider his decision.
Doesn’t he kill them all in the other universe?
Just tell her to go to the academy with you😅 , wouldn’t it be beneficial to her too🤔 ?and I would love to see her wilding a sword too😍
Yeah, but Jovanis is the one that have to select the crown Prince, and Pérez have to made contribution so the nobles can argue about his selection
kinda want him to go to the academy
Wouldn’t he just get smarter by going to the academy? He’s already good with a sword. He’ll come back better than the 1st prince ever could be