If you are invested in this story, I’m going to be giving a spoiler so I’d avoid this comment if I were you. Honestly, I don’t like this novel. It’s on my list of “World’s Worst MLs”. I guess number one spoiler I can give, don’t expect Anastasia to make it out of this alive. Theodore rapes her multiple times to the point where Ana is completely disgusted with her own body. She then takes poison meant for Theo, so that he’d suffer more to watch her die. She always thought him dying quickly would be to good for him. Just before she dies Ana makes him promise to never leave the north, never marry again, live alone like the bastard that he is for the remainder of his life and if there is another life, she never wants to see him again.
I said all of that to say this. Ana isn’t much better, but she was already half insane at the start of the story anyhow. You honestly can’t much blame an insane person for her actions. Theo’s actions only fracture her psyche more to the point of no return. It’s only after she leaves that she’s able to find some normalcy to her life and begin to heal from her subsequent traumas. But then she just gets dragged right back to Theo and the treatment is even worse than it was before. Yes, Ana did some cruel things to try and get back at Theo, but what do you expect from an insane woman whose lost EVERYTHING. I mean that, she’s literally lost everything, even her own sanity. Theo is not the main culprit who started her insanity, but he is the one who broke her completely.
I hate that man so much, he is absolute garbage. Like, he’s a real yandere compared to the popular portrayals in fiction, who may act poorly but never sexually assault the “object” of their desire, and work to earn her forgiveness after she leaves them (whether physically or just emotionally). What I do like is that the author and Anastasia are clear about what he’s doing, and Anastasia certainly doesn’t find it romantic, but reading it is so harrowing. The poor girl deserves so many breaks, she was finally happy but you stole it all from her.
Srry annas for not being able to see you shine, but this story is not going well so i might just have to drop it. 🤎 i hope u find your true happiness
If you are invested in this story, I’m going to be giving a spoiler so I’d avoid this comment if I were you. Honestly, I don’t like this novel. It’s on my list of “World’s Worst MLs”. I guess number one spoiler I can give, don’t expect Anastasia to make it out of this alive. Theodore rapes her multiple times to the point where Ana is completely disgusted with her own body. She then takes poison meant for Theo, so that he’d suffer more to watch her die. She always thought him dying quickly would be to good for him. Just before she dies Ana makes him promise to never leave the north, never marry again, live alone like the bastard that he is for the remainder of his life and if there is another life, she never wants to see him again.
I said all of that to say this. Ana isn’t much better, but she was already half insane at the start of the story anyhow. You honestly can’t much blame an insane person for her actions. Theo’s actions only fracture her psyche more to the point of no return. It’s only after she leaves that she’s able to find some normalcy to her life and begin to heal from her subsequent traumas. But then she just gets dragged right back to Theo and the treatment is even worse than it was before. Yes, Ana did some cruel things to try and get back at Theo, but what do you expect from an insane woman whose lost EVERYTHING. I mean that, she’s literally lost everything, even her own sanity. Theo is not the main culprit who started her insanity, but he is the one who broke her completely.
I hate that man so much, he is absolute garbage. Like, he’s a real yandere compared to the popular portrayals in fiction, who may act poorly but never sexually assault the “object” of their desire, and work to earn her forgiveness after she leaves them (whether physically or just emotionally). What I do like is that the author and Anastasia are clear about what he’s doing, and Anastasia certainly doesn’t find it romantic, but reading it is so harrowing. The poor girl deserves so many breaks, she was finally happy but you stole it all from her.