As a person who does competitive swimming (or used to) I agree. Swimming in clothes is going to slow you down at best, and if your basics in swimming aren’t that good, you might drown, I could confidently say even the best swimmer in those clothes would have a tough time.
Also, if the water’s cold, it stiffens your muscles and activates the cold shock response.
Also, she has a skin condition? Did they show it at all or were we supposed to infer that because she sent the maid out while she changed?
As a person who does competitive swimming (or used to) I agree. Swimming in clothes is going to slow you down at best, and if your basics in swimming aren’t that good, you might drown, I could confidently say even the best swimmer in those clothes would have a tough time.
use your damn melons i mean floaters i mean use your feet jeez they heavy?🤪
Also, if the water’s cold, it stiffens your muscles and activates the cold shock response.
Also, she has a skin condition? Did they show it at all or were we supposed to infer that because she sent the maid out while she changed?
Dude have you ever tried swimming in clothes?? Much less a heavy dress and shoes it don’t matter if you can swim it’s gonna be hard
It annoys me when someone doesn’t know how to swim 😮💨