Aww…she lost literally everyone and everything precious in her life, multiple times all because her brother is good at dying and she keeps resetting…I hope she can find happiness without having to worry about whether her brother would die or not bc then she’d lose everything and have to start back from scratch AGAIN.
u know I wouldn’t blame anyone I would party steal do stuff I would not do like u could have and not have anything and like u could have a lover and then a husband or boyfriend u can party all night and u can focus on magic cause that’s what u wanna do
I am tired for only watching her past lives, i can’t imagine how she felt🥲
Aww…she lost literally everyone and everything precious in her life, multiple times all because her brother is good at dying and she keeps resetting…I hope she can find happiness without having to worry about whether her brother would die or not bc then she’d lose everything and have to start back from scratch AGAIN.
Your_Anxiety attack
I sense dumbness in her brother💀
[email protected]
u know I wouldn’t blame anyone I would party steal do stuff I would not do like u could have and not have anything and like u could have a lover and then a husband or boyfriend u can party all night and u can focus on magic cause that’s what u wanna do
now i feel bad for her, she lost a lover, teacher, friends, honestly id hate the brother but ik its not his fault but UGHGHHGHGH NVM
Hayts.. I really pity her..i hope this new life of hers, her brother would not die again…
i feel so bad for her.