If You Get Caught, You’ll Die! - Chapter 69
You don't have anything in histories
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How do they not have any children when they’ve done the bombayah so many times?
Hello its me
@LolloLuca, SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. 100% agree w you. This has to be one of the worst FL I have read about. There was no character development! She lies, doesn’t take accountability, and is constantly insecure!
Still number 1# hater of Celia. She got no redemption. And I’ll say it again, I can’t understand a single reason why Calix should like her if not for the fact that she ate his essence, practically forcing him to eventually come to like her. Because her character is disgusting. I’m free to debate my opinion with anyone who will bring facts to the table other than “she grew up to rely only on herself, she bottles things up and is insecure” because if you ask me, these are undesirable traits that a person should actively work on to let go or to keep in check.
So they don’t have a child? That its