If You Get Caught, You’ll Die! - Chapter 56
You don't have anything in histories
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To Sunnysidesam, to be honest, between the two, who’s worst? The one that claimed once that love is useless only to take it all back, or the one that repeatedly rejects the other by saying they don’t love them even though they do? Come on, let’s be real. Calix said literally maybe TWICE that love is not important to him, and he never bluntly rejected Celia. But Celia? Even if she has a doubt about the whole empress competition deal, she should simply ask Calix, or DECIDE for once and put and end to all our misery (Calix’s too)
Yall in the comments not being understanding. Yall gotta remember all the times he’s said he wouldn’t like her or love her and their very first in counter. Of course she’s gonna be holding herself back from telling him the truth. Even when she called her out for looking for a wife/empress , tht would have been the perfect time for him to tell her the truth but instead he didn’t fix the misunderstanding and allowed her to assume whatever she is thinking.
I fucking want to drop this but I’m just here for my dragon😤 fuck you FL dumb ass hurting him like that
I Cant_Sleep
I see what the author is trying to do!!! But do you know it frustrates us readers? I mean how dense can one be? I hnow she’s not the brightest in the shed but you’d have to be a rock to not be able to see the obvious advances
He needs to be offed