If You Get Caught, You’ll Die! - Chapter 54
You don't have anything in histories
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Ok this started off so well and I was deeply engrossed in the story, but now it’s literally a torture. Why would you say such hurtful thing.
Why does the manhwa’s author/writer learn how to write something good? Always dragging storylines with miscommunication & misunderstanding.
Oh fuck you gurl😒😠😤
the fuck is wrong with her 💀💀
Girl, just say that you don’t want him to marry anyone else and are you more than just the love fruit?!
She should tell him the truth. But well… I’m sure it will end with her been pregnant and escaping to another country or continent with the child because she doesn’t want to see Kalix with another woman (and maybe he would want to propose to her the same day she runt away). And she’ll change the child’s hair/eye color so that he wouldn’t be reconised as Kalix’s child. Then, years after, Kalix finds her and the kid and asks if the child is his..
. Well it’s just my speculations ’cause in most webtoons, it’ s like that.
Not this again