Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 88
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Love the FL
I’m kinda sad that it’s ending here😭😭 and happy at the same time seeing Julia getting his lovey dovey I hope in the future I keep seeing this kind of manwha😁😁
Fiery Villainess
The finished it in hurry but atleast we got our lovey dovey couple.❣️❣️❣️
I really wanted to see their children and the happy ending of our vice commander🥺
At least the prince pissed off….?
That was a rushed ending ngl but atleast it was a happy ending.
Good story.
I want to see them have kids! But, this was such an amazing story! I loved it!
Crazy how the prince who killed her in the past life was kinda overlooked? And now he’s a good person. So different from other stories
That’s it? On side stories?