Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 38
You don't have anything in histories
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Lolli pop
Trust +1
Shane yazq
The black haired boi from the lion wat not is the ml yall
AC Dog
Am I the only one still pissed at this mf? Like, honestly, is it that hard to send a quick swoosh slash at the bitch and THEN go after your father? I really don’t like this playboy celery lookin-ass boy
celery ?
her quote-unquote “ugly” version was way hotter. totally gorgeous. butch legend. 10/10. if she wore a plaid button up crop top, yknow with the lil tie-off in front, every lesbian in a ten mile radius would get wet. she’s so perfect with the curse in place. and now we’ve got lame waif-ass barbie. WHERE’S MY WIFE. GIVE HER BACK
Who is the male lead??????