Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 36
You don't have anything in histories
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Not if she makes you bleed first🗡️she ain’t a swordmaster for no reason
Aisha,,,ya ain’t gonna do sheet
Lolli pop
No, a knife would be too merciful. Use a screwdriver and screw the long nail into her eyeballs 😃
I’m sorry but can I just poke her eyeballs out with a kn*f3
blondie needs to raked over some hot coal and thrown in a ice bath coz she needs more than a wake up punch to the throat. she needa do squats on pine needles. she and the rest of her bully crew need to be swallow rocks. they’re pathetic.
Like so what
This might be a bit rude but…
I hope that this dumb, narcissistic bitchass goes on a carriage ride on a rainy day and falls off a cliff and dies a gruesome, brutal, and painful death. ?
just AL
This blonde lady ??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️
Istg she doesn’t change
Someone just punch blondie in the face really hard plz
every single time these people unrealistically dig their holes deeper and deeper until they get themselves executed. nah man narcissists are so hung up on themselves that they’ll spend far more time building themselves up than tearing someone else down. they won’t ALLOW their existence to revolve around revenge. they just aren’t wired that way. why they gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel of unrealistic plots to pit women against each other when the prince was a perfectly serviceable antagonist with any consequence? this chick is absolutely nobody. just paving the way for the audience to cheer on the inevitable death of some six-piece chicken mcnobody digging for ham scraps out of the dumpster.
Ginger will whoops your ass again, then MC will dig your final resting place personally after she has smite you. (yes smite is correct apparently)
Blondie bitch hasnt give up yet.phsyco !