Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 25
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Lolli pop
Zik is like the most innocent boy ever. I pray that he doesn’t die
Train martial arts too
Give me Zik ?❤️
okay screw everything. Zik is now my favorite among others
Zik amazing!!! He might as well be my favorite among the others as well!
I love yandere
I’m sorry i know he’s a bad character but he’s sooooo handsome?
Leah and isha
Just explain to captain the trueth!!! And i think she will forgive you…and be sure to repent of what you do!!!
Thanks for updating
That bastard doesn’t deserve a second chance
What? Dude needs to just snitch on that girl. She played just as big of a part in this plot as he did. They both wanted her dead for their own purposes. And its not like she’ll stop just because he failed.
He won’t reveal that it was her because he’s an idiot in “love”.
I doubt he’ll be snitching ’cause he’s stupidly protecting her. Also, I’m sure that b*tch will get her ass into a bigger trouble soon. Something so big, she’ll have to get executed unlike this dude who just got imprisoned.
Thank you so much for the update