Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 21
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No wonder they’re the strongest knights.
St*pid vice commander all your hard work will be gone. Accept defeat and be stronger.
She’s not stupid she sensed his murderous intent and likely scenes the monster attraction on the blade. He signed his death warrant with this
The excuses and now this…pathetic…he really likes to cry rather than put in the effort. So much for “I had to work twice as harder than everyone else.”
Die you trash and that hoe as well!
I feel like she knows exactly what that dagger is and shes feeling just as disappointed in him as everyone in the comments. I was really hoping he would look at the training as a way to get stronger and be a better knight, but its really disappointing that he went through with that awful womans plan. Now she can just pin the whole thing on him, because he has no proof she gave him the dagger. On one hand I want to see him get a redemption arc, on the other hand he needs to be punished just like that wicked, jealous bitch.
Such a trash… If you think you deserve the position then prove it.. So weak infront of her yet so much ego.. Surely this trash lost his chance.. And i think fl definitely knows what he is upto…
Just torture him and kill them both together
anonomyus 1412
Thank you for the update and all your hard work! Please update again real soon!
I knew he was trash when he really blamed her for taking his position even after she proved he’s weaker than her. How could he still think he was worthy of the position after knowing hiw truly weak he is.
uhuh, you blew your chance to be better.
thank youuu teen
Seriously you jerk , i hate pety people
I really thought he wouldn’t go through with it ??????