Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 2
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Im real confused.But if I know one thing,I wanna kill the prince.But that’ll come later so I need patience right
The fact that she used to look one wag and then suddenly looked different probably hurt her self esteem…..
Lolli pop
Author should’ve just faced the truth and showed us her face.
Why isn’t the dad ugly? I thought this was a generational curse.
I could transmigrate there and do some make over if she would go to a ball like hello! Even if you have boy cut and masculine body you can still be pretty . A little bit of fashion and make over will do darling. You’re pretty btw
This is really annoying me, she doesn’t look ugly from what little we can see of her face. It looks like the issue is more that she’s ended up looking more masculine and generally different from her original appearance. However, if her father is anything to go by she isn’t actually ugly since he presents the same complexion and hair colour as her ‘cursed’ self we have to assume that he’s still cursed and personally he doesn’t look ugly to me.
I’m confused was he born as a man or a Woman?
born a woman but was cursed to look hideous
Thanks for the update!