Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 14
You don't have anything in histories
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sleepy dino
girl a golddigger
that vice commander fella is going to do something nefarious and i’m nervous in advance
Shane yazq
This bi*ch
@Shadow fire opal when people refer to someone as a white lotus, it means they’re a two-faced bitch. Pretending to be innocent and naive but the truth is that they’re a villain.
I’d like to add something. White lotus first face, the flower part is white and pretty but if you look at the bottom it is very dirty and ugly
Shadow fire opal
Can anyone tell me what do people mean when they say white lotus
They always seem to say it to b***hes
But white lotuses are pretty so why do people call them that
Thanks if u explain
I looked it up and this is what I found, “The White Lotus, also called the White Lotus B***h, is a stock female character type commonly found in Chinese internet novels.” Hopefully that explains it well enough! 🙂
How are you gonna be the main character of a ball when its in honor of another person?… no honey Julia is the main girl here! To hell with you and the prince. Marry him so he can kill you lol ?
I so hate white lotus.
I’m happy to see some one else use the term white lotus
Oh wow, she’s terrible
Rain Trevil
another white lotus
hhahahah, guuurl, no))) you won’t