Ice Flower Knight - Chapter 11
You don't have anything in histories
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Our brown haired bro has every right to be salty, but he should also have enough common sense to know don’t let it affect your job.
OHH yeah not to mention, the story stated that the Winter Knight thing fell apart and all the members died in her past life just cause the guy who was supposed to be the commander didn’t do a good job at his work and just made everyone weak, Where our FL will do the opposite and push them to survive and be the strongest in the empire. I respect the FL’s kind heart for feeling bad at something that wasn’t even her fault even if people would benefit from her becoming the commander.
@Rommiene, no she worked hard. If you read from the beginning, the family curse and stuff and how they had to go to someone to break it, but in return, she had to work hard to get that skill, and the fact that she had to go all “ugly” just until the curse broke off. And she regressed, so if I’m being honest she did way more work than him, cause like she also went through a fair amount of discrimination and hate as well as mistreatment. So next time.. please read the story get a better understanding and use your brain before you start pointing out flaws and mistakes. Plusss its made this way so the story has more drama and interesting dynamics in it. Just chill and don’t take things seriously and have fun okay? 😛
She should go beat him up
Lolli pop
She was forced to do it and the vice commander has the right to get angry. BUT he should MOVE ON. Not being a commander doesn’t mean that you aren’t worthy. You could still have a voice in meetings and you can still contribute your best.
And he turns bad in the next chapter. So what honestly? You’re saying he doesn’t deserve a role he’s worked hard for after being tossed back like that? This is practically his villain arc. He deserves to be angry.
LMAO no. First of all, she didn’t even want the job to begin with, having to choose between working as the commander or being under the Crown Prince. I mean, I’d also be friggin pissed if some random person appeared and just took the Commander spot (which he worked so hard for given his circumstances). Ok, we know blah blah blah she’s had her fair share of sufferings (not fair, it was pretty depressing), but how can she not see that from him in the break room? Also, she may have the skills, but she never worked specifically for that position, for that spot. She just got it !!! He’s even aware that he won’t be able to surpass him with just through ‘practice’ alone, isn’t that why commoners who are talented are always thrown away once they’re used as well? EXACTLY what happened to her in the first place? She may be justifying that she deserves the spot because she has better qualifications, but does she really deserve that seat in a snap?
She shouldn’t feel guilty she’s got the brains and the skills to back justify her being commander and besides it’s not like she asked for it, the emperor made her do it!!
we reading the same story here?
she didn’t take anything. she was forced into that position and tbh, she has the battle exp, the skill and the brains to be the commander. she easily determines that the skill of the Winter knighthood is severly lacking and wanted to strengthen their skill. the entire Winter Knight squad had perished under Chris’s command (I assume he was in charge since he was up for Commander seat in previous life too) and that could’ve been the case again if our FL didn’t take that position instead. FL has given the Winter Knights a chance at a different fate.
???????????????? exactly
Girl, you took his job. Even when we say you deserved it, you still cant shake off the fact that you got there because of your status. Thats why you get deceived by the prince ?♂️
?? She wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her skills??? Ok you say she got here bcz of her status then even if she did if she didnt have her skills she’d not be accepted in the first place, probs everyone will be gossiping abt her in her back and he wont be in this position.
we reading the same story here?
she didn’t take anything. she was forced into that position and tbh, she has the battle exp, the skill and the brains to be the commander. she easily determines that the skill of the Winter knighthood is severly lacking and wanted to strengthen their skill. the entire Winter Knight squad had perished under Chris’s command (I assume he was in charge since he was up for Commander seat in previous life too) and that could’ve been the case again if our FL didn’t take that position instead. FL has given the Winter Knights a chance at a different fate.
Annastacia, that’s such bs. First of all, she’s obviously better than all of them combined, as we’ve already seen. She’s a sword master. And finally, no matter what, he’s drinking on the job as a member of the armed forces. Even by today’s standards he’d be sent to cut grass with scissors as punishment. Jealousy is not an excuse to get drunk on the job, especially for a person who is supposed to protect the kingdom. Extremely unprofessional.
You okay? Are you surrounded by misogyny that you got too used to it?