Oh, so she is a fortune cookie:) Guess her well meaning is the reason her family was ‘talented’ so far and once she leaves, its over. Nice idea for a storyline, the execution has quite a bit of room to improve, though, it seems….
This ought to be interesting!
Male lead looks ordinary but he’s handsome so we’ll take him
I like how they seem like they will understand each other well <3
It would be hilarious if the only reason why the rest of her siblings powers only worked so well because she wanted the best for them and have them luck, and when she leaves all their powers go to crap.
Lime Tea
So many trash family members, my favorite 😊
maybe, just maybe that her sister is just love her but doesn’t know how to tell? she doesn’t want to get her parents’ bad side
i see
This is the 3rd Korean-written heroine named Leticia I’ve read on Harimanga.
Oh, so she is a fortune cookie:) Guess her well meaning is the reason her family was ‘talented’ so far and once she leaves, its over. Nice idea for a storyline, the execution has quite a bit of room to improve, though, it seems….
i wonder if he can use the badlyck on others kmaooo that stupid ass livion would be top of the list for me
Everyone in this manga is such a hater. The don’t like her bc she is normal and they don’t like him bc he isn’t rich. What’s up with that 😭
Yea her power is luck and damn her family messed up. Bit nice she’ll help the unlucky guy.
Yay! I shipped them both!!!!! I hope her family rot in hell!
Oh i get it… fl power is goodluck but the ml has bad luck… kind of like a yin and yang situation
So she can give people luck?
This ought to be interesting!
Male lead looks ordinary but he’s handsome so we’ll take him
I like how they seem like they will understand each other well <3
It would be hilarious if the only reason why the rest of her siblings powers only worked so well because she wanted the best for them and have them luck, and when she leaves all their powers go to crap.
Guess who
@haritanma uk at 1st i was like u want her to go broke!? and then i thought oooh right it seems that fl has power of luck or smth right!!!
I already hate the fl family it’s always awakening power this awakening power that enough
Eleuia Hyung
Wo hooo I guess I need her 😈
Somebody get her in a gambling house
Like so what
I think she has power of luck or something, maybe in an alternate universe, he would have lost because of his hand
Yunie Yun
In truth Leticia is what is called a lucky charm
Hmm, Leticia’s power…bring good luck? 🤣