Il n’y a que les imbéciles qui ne font pas d’erreur, et Edmund n’est pas son fils, c’est son neveu et il l’a dit dans plusieurs chapitre qu’il ne ressentait pas d’instinct paternel pour lui et qu’il trouvait ça bizarre … il s’est même remis en cause … Il a quand mm de l’affection pour lui et s’inquiète de lui, et fait en sorte qu’il ne vive pas le manque d’affection que lui-même a vécu enfant … Edmund n’a pas l’air malheureux… Si ?
Pour la relation ML/FL … Franchement quels adultes ici n’ont pas fait de grosses erreurs dans leur couple et regretté ? Certains ont pu rattraper le coup, d’autres ont perdu … Tant qu’il regrette ET se rattrape … Ça revient à la personne en face de pardonner ou pas …
Tant qu’il met un stop à la blondasse … Moi ça me va … Et Carlyle a aussi le droit de vivre avec ses 2 parents… Et s’ils s’aiment pourquoi pas ?
Franchement… Le ML dans betrayal of dignity est vraiment pourri …
Edmond didn’t know that Ray is not his father. He is also a victim of his mother’s greed,so let’s not blame him. He longed for a family and a father’s love,but Ray cannot give that because obviously, he’s now head over heels in love with Ellie( damn realization, it’s too late). And we can’t blame Ray for not being a father to Edmond, he accepted it that he can’t father Edmond and he didn’t know why. Ofc we knew the reason,Edmond is not his son. There is no such connection between them,unlike when he first saw Carlisle,his one and true son.
Look he can shit all over Lady Sios I don’t really care even though she is the mother of his child but how can he be so dismissive of his son like that. None of this is the child’s fault and he treats this little boy like he’s some villian that’s ruined his life. This guy never appreciates anything he has, like when Elijah was his wife. He only wants her after she left him and now ignores the family he has, the woman he was previously pinning for. I know the kid likely isn’t really his son but he doesn’t know that and the kid doesn’t know that. This man is still childish
Frosty Wings
She really insists on being the centre of attention, no matter what humiliation she suffers afterwards.
Il n’y a que les imbéciles qui ne font pas d’erreur, et Edmund n’est pas son fils, c’est son neveu et il l’a dit dans plusieurs chapitre qu’il ne ressentait pas d’instinct paternel pour lui et qu’il trouvait ça bizarre … il s’est même remis en cause … Il a quand mm de l’affection pour lui et s’inquiète de lui, et fait en sorte qu’il ne vive pas le manque d’affection que lui-même a vécu enfant … Edmund n’a pas l’air malheureux… Si ?
Pour la relation ML/FL … Franchement quels adultes ici n’ont pas fait de grosses erreurs dans leur couple et regretté ? Certains ont pu rattraper le coup, d’autres ont perdu … Tant qu’il regrette ET se rattrape … Ça revient à la personne en face de pardonner ou pas …
Tant qu’il met un stop à la blondasse … Moi ça me va … Et Carlyle a aussi le droit de vivre avec ses 2 parents… Et s’ils s’aiment pourquoi pas ?
Franchement… Le ML dans betrayal of dignity est vraiment pourri …
Damn the prince looks like a grown ass man kneeling infront of the emperor. 😂 Oh emperor ~ you have a thicker neck as usual.
Damn, dude. You keep getting trashier than before.
Edmond didn’t know that Ray is not his father. He is also a victim of his mother’s greed,so let’s not blame him. He longed for a family and a father’s love,but Ray cannot give that because obviously, he’s now head over heels in love with Ellie( damn realization, it’s too late). And we can’t blame Ray for not being a father to Edmond, he accepted it that he can’t father Edmond and he didn’t know why. Ofc we knew the reason,Edmond is not his son. There is no such connection between them,unlike when he first saw Carlisle,his one and true son.
The kid isnt his child but his brother’s child. She is a bitch who just want throne
Look he can shit all over Lady Sios I don’t really care even though she is the mother of his child but how can he be so dismissive of his son like that. None of this is the child’s fault and he treats this little boy like he’s some villian that’s ruined his life. This guy never appreciates anything he has, like when Elijah was his wife. He only wants her after she left him and now ignores the family he has, the woman he was previously pinning for. I know the kid likely isn’t really his son but he doesn’t know that and the kid doesn’t know that. This man is still childish
If he had been like this Since the beginning. He won’t have to face this situation. 😮💨
He DID Nooooot omg