Whyd they get rid of their disguises? Do they wanna get caught lmaooo. She wears a disguise form6 yrs but takes it off as soon as she gets home istg this fl is a dumbass
WHY WOULD YOU- *clears throat* why would you tell someone (who you’ve probably just met) the big secret you’ve been keeping? that doesn’t seem very smart. Tell them he was a street urchin you picked up and raised or something, it feels like she has no intentions of keeping his identity a secret.
Whyd they get rid of their disguises? Do they wanna get caught lmaooo. She wears a disguise form6 yrs but takes it off as soon as she gets home istg this fl is a dumbass
His hair is fake,why would his hair be blonde😭
The artist has logic dw
did the author make her childs hair color the same as the second ML’s ??????? yo that just going to create another drama😭😭
Why did she leave her child with her maid back in the place they were living? That would’ve made more sense than bringing him along.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
WHY WOULD YOU- *clears throat* why would you tell someone (who you’ve probably just met) the big secret you’ve been keeping? that doesn’t seem very smart. Tell them he was a street urchin you picked up and raised or something, it feels like she has no intentions of keeping his identity a secret.
So were just telling everyone who Carlyle is? So much for under cover?
Hahaha… same reaction… same… ???
hopefully soon we’ll see some regretful duke SUFFER
Everyone is going to assume he’s the emperor’s son so why tell them in the first place? She must really trust this guy she just met
Bruh her son doesn’t have to be the emperors son
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
seriously, like the emperor doesn’t have to be the only man in her life.