Umm . The duke is so rich .why is she living such a hagard life . Who will inherit all her father’s properties? Will her son live a life of a poor commoner too when he’s the grandson of the rich noble Duke ? I just can’t accept this ! What is gonna happen to all the Duke’s properties after he dies . Someone needs to inherit ittt ! Someone who is worthy enough!
Spending 6 years all sad and apologetic looking for doesn’t even amount to all the time they spent together when he ignored her, just let her go ? anyways it looks like they’re wearing matching bracelets that hide their features maybe?
His skull is so thick sometimes i wonder if it will even crack if i smash it with a hammer repeatedly. My hand will probably hurt more
Mukang junano si Carlyle ?
baby im not even hallucination
i keep seeing comments that he’s endgame. I need to look at the novel spoilers or else my hair will fall out of my head from the stress.
Ugh… This dumbass…!!
Marco R
I hope mc die and he will regret more
baby im not even hallucination
holy shit lmao you hope she dies??? I guess that would be one hell of a plot twist, huh.
Ahha yess u can never find her just give up bi-
Did anyone notice that Carlyle as a child have brown hair and as a baby have dark hair like his father? Did the FL dyed Carlyle’s hair?
Zhongli simp
She also dyed her own hair and eyes to hide. And since the black hair and eyes are the royals charactaristics anyone would figure he is a royal
Did you see that both of them have a bracelet
So i think the bracelet is an artifact that can change the color of their eyes and hair
Umm . The duke is so rich .why is she living such a hagard life . Who will inherit all her father’s properties? Will her son live a life of a poor commoner too when he’s the grandson of the rich noble Duke ? I just can’t accept this ! What is gonna happen to all the Duke’s properties after he dies . Someone needs to inherit ittt ! Someone who is worthy enough!
it says it in one of the chapters about how she wants to live as a commoner as to be less noticed
I hope the ml is the white hair dude, she deserves better than the trash ml
Awww, she looks so happy there, I wish the ml won’t find her so soon
I like the story author please update?
I like them together.
Please title don’t do this to us…
WE all hate him so please title be right and don’t make a shitty “happy” ending
Pretty please…
Hello its me
He’s trash, but I keep reading away
We all know they’ll be together in the end, but sometimes I wish I didn’t know…?
yeah we all know they will be together eventually, but making him suffer for the very long time is the most satisfying thing ?
Yes, it gives a very good taste in the mouth?
I feel sorry for Raymond, but part of me says he deserves it.
Random Reader
You don’t deserve her ???
Spending 6 years all sad and apologetic looking for doesn’t even amount to all the time they spent together when he ignored her, just let her go ? anyways it looks like they’re wearing matching bracelets that hide their features maybe?
Good she deserves happiness with her son
Unfortunately we all now she’s gonna end up with him again one way or another