“I love Elijah” since when? None of his flashbacks pinpoint when his feelings might’ve started. All we get is she’s near him and trauma prevented him from realising his feelings. Nothing from his perspective shows that he ever loved her, indicated he was in love with her or even shows he if ever developed those feelings. What about Regena? Was ML also in love with Eli when he was dating psycho blondie?
All I can see is that he fell in love with Eli just now. Ater she left. I don’t buy the complacency and trauma burying his feelings explanation. The writing isn’t good enough to justify that.
I only started reading this bc i loooove the fl leaving the mo trope. But i hateeeee this ml idk if i cant stand him more lmaoo
Frosty Wings
“I love Elijah” since when? None of his flashbacks pinpoint when his feelings might’ve started. All we get is she’s near him and trauma prevented him from realising his feelings. Nothing from his perspective shows that he ever loved her, indicated he was in love with her or even shows he if ever developed those feelings. What about Regena? Was ML also in love with Eli when he was dating psycho blondie?
All I can see is that he fell in love with Eli just now. Ater she left. I don’t buy the complacency and trauma burying his feelings explanation. The writing isn’t good enough to justify that.
ignoring her for the long time you deserve shit men!