I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 8
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I’m guessing that the chandelier is gonna fall down.
That crazy face is just PERFECT omg I loved it so much it represents his syndrome and WOW
Hahaha his face lololol
Oho..that face is so scary,duke…you gave me chills..
I hope the original translator comes back. TM just ruins everything. ugh
like many other comments, this is technically a historical manhwa, sure there are some fantasy elements but the fact remains that the period of time that the manhwa is set in had that hierarchy, you seriously can’t take all the good parts and leave out the bad ones.
The setting of the story is an age where Royals, Duke and Duchess exist. In case some of you are not aware, females born in nobility that time have no power of their own. This kind of set up did exist in the past where Fathers would use their daughter for political gains by marrying her off to a powerful family even if the groom is twice the age of the girl. Women literally belong to men. The father will have power over their daughters. By the time they marry, the husband will hold authority over his wife and if the husband dies, the son would be the head of the family.
Marco R
Imagine you born as the girl in that era just wtf
Struggling to understand 🙁
Bruh I’m dropping this shit
Wth is this plot and translations
Loser _Girl
Don’t get me wrong but why do women have to belong to male? It’s a fantasy not a real world can’t you (author) make a little changes the fact women are treated like objects are really concerning think about it what if the ml daughter marry a guy and he treats her like crap what he gonna do?
Its the era
this hierarchy setup (i think) of the victorian era is just like this, would be weird to cherry pick parts of culture
That’s how hierarchy was like before. It’s not the fault of the author. Some like to change it, but before, women do belongs to the family.
I really appreciate the update even though i should worked hard to understand what they are saying
Wow… that… was an exercise to understand (I mostly gave up and just scrolled through it). I’m glad there are updates but I would prefer it if harimanga took over translating. I always have such a hard time understanding teenmanhua
Lol that face
also i assume the guy at the end is from the royal family?
Yes,I think it’s safe to assume so that person could be from the royal family or was hired by them.
oh mky god his face LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL he must be super mad
Aditi Khedar
Hope all goes well.