I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 7
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Girl really messed that up royally
@TypicallyUsual girl.. 💀
Im ur misconception
@Meru.ni I am in agreeance. I use corsets because I have fractured my hip and a building disc that keeps me from doing Core exercises. If put on right, they are not uncomfortable at all. They are not meant to be laced so tight that it squishes your ribs and thus put unneeded pressure on your internal organs. People who do that tend to be diet obsessed and don’t eat, so it causes a chain effect.
–> But in this, I liked that last panel a lot.
Welll……..idk what to say…
Ok ok, first things first: WHY DO PEOPLE ASSUME CORSETS ARE UNCOMFORTABLE??? I use corsets and it’s a matter of knowing how to use and adjust it, is not uncomfortable at all and I find it rather pleasing since helps with my back more than a bra. And there is no such a thing as corsets for a child, the girls only started using them when they turn 12 or 14 bc of puberty… so… there shouldn’t be a corset matter in the uncomfortable point.
Second: she was kind of stupid there, she could have said “yes sir, I’ll go bring it right away” with a fake/forced voice and asked someone else to take care of it when she was away. If he still found out, THEN he would be a genius. But she just ran under the bus in the first chance she got… it could have been a scene with better construction.
Third and last thing: that panel… oh damn that last panel ❤️❤️❤️
I bet the duke will no longer interested in the supposed to be FL…but instead,the duke will be possessive and obsessive with her …that look in his eyes,like he’s going to kill Norman once he touch her…
Screenshotting… for a friend
That was interesting ~~
Eeeekkk !!! the last panel ????
Hey hey hey asmo~
why is he quick witted you say? its because you announced yourself. that’s why
Hello its me
That’s hot ?
Ugh they’re so adorable in those matching outfits ?
Aditi Khedar
Kya! So cute! Kawai!♥️